Date: Tue, 2 Aug 94 06:41:35 PDT From: Info-Hams Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Info-Hams-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Info-Hams Digest V94 #867 To: Info-Hams Info-Hams Digest Tue, 2 Aug 94 Volume 94 : Issue 867 Today's Topics: Amateur Radio: Elmers List Quick-Search Index HF BBS Software Recommendations? Internet Resources for Hams (spanish) Mexico's Annual Ham Convention Thanks Guys!!! Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Info-Hams Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/info-hams". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 1 Aug 1994 17:07:28 GMT From: hookup!!MathWorks.Com!!!! Subject: Amateur Radio: Elmers List Quick-Search Index To: Posted-By: auto-faq Archive-name: radio/ham-radio/elmers/index Quick Search Index by Subject: (Note: This index is not necessarily all-inclusive and some Elmers are listed more than once.) AMATEUR RADIO EMERGENCY SERVICE MAILING LISTS (ARES)/RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE (RACES) Ackerman (TAPR Net-SIG) Botterell (Networks in Emergency Botterell (Networks in Emergency Mangement) Management Mailing List) Engehausen, et al (AA4RE Packet Chilton (EMA Radio Officer) BBS) Engehausen (RACES Bulletins) Dodell (Land-Mobile Radio, Fyodorov (Russia) MARS Members) Humphries (ex-Asst. EC) Ehrlich (Many, see full entry) Magid Freeman, M (ACC Equipment) Stader (EMAS SEC) Knapp, et al (Iowa State Elmers) Wilson Prescott (Antique and Older Tube Equipment) AMATEUR TELEPRINTER OVER RADIO Meredith (PBBS Bulletin Forwarding, (AMTOR)/PACKET TELEPRINTER OVER F6FBB Packet BBS) RADIO (PACTOR)/RADIO TELETYPE (RTTY) Nerenberg (DX) Schleck, et al (College Clubs) Battles Walker, et al (QRP) Doane Wier (Motorola HC11/HC16 and ICOM) Feeney (PACTOR) Williamson (Many, AMSAT-related) Freeman, J (AMTOR and PACTOR) Graham, P MEDIUM FREQUENCY (MF, 160 meters) Richards Sayer (also decoding CHU's Freeman ASCII time code) Harris Zurn AMERICA ON-LINE MICROWAVE Stader (Host, Ham Radio Club forum) Graham, P (1.2 Ghz repeaters) Hammill AMERICAN RADIO RELAY LEAGUE Jahnke (SSB/CW SHF Contesting) (ARRL) Lau (Transverters up to 24 Ghz) Battles (QST Features Editor) Sargent (3, 5, and 10 Ghz) Bloom (ARRL HQ Postmaster, QEX Editor) MILITARY AFFILIATE RADIO SYSTEM Doane (CT SM) (MARS) Elmore (CO TC) Hare (Laboratory Manager) Doane (Navy) Jahnke (VEC Manager) Dodell (Air Force, Mailing List) Lau (Technical Editor) Miller (Air Force) Redding (Educational Advisor) Monson (Army) Stader (EMAS SEC) Sargent (Army) Turner (Volunteer Counsel) Schildt (Army MARS HQ Internet/ Wilson (SCV SM) Milnet Contact and Registration Service) ANTENNAS Taylor (Air Force) Welch, J (Navy/Marine Corps) Brewer (wire HF) Welch, V (Navy/Marine Corps, Billson (HF) list of MARS members on the Brubaker (HF) Internet, tentative BBS DePolo (including VHF/UHF) conference) Elmore Freeman, J (wire HF and 160m) MOBILE Graham, J (wire HF for apartments) Carruth (FM and HT's) Halbert (simple designs) Hare (RFI issues) Harris Hill (including HF) Hill (Mobile, including HF) Humphries Humphries (VHF and multi-band Keller (HF) wire arrays) Salmon (Maritime) Kulyov (HF, especially 160 and Sargent 80m) Salyzyn (HF CW) Myers (and transmission lines) NATIONAL TRAFFIC SYSTEM (NTS) Ornitz (including computer modelling) Doane Potter Elmore Rymell Salyzyn (Canada) Salnick Sargent Salyzyn Zurn (Europe) Silva Standerfer NOVICE/TECH INSTRUCTION Stine (wire HF) Stockton Billson Taylor Bono (AutoExam/AutoCW) Zurn (wire HF) Carlson (Macintosh Hamstacks) Chilton ANTIQUE AND OLDER EQUIPMENT Knapp, et al Larson Brewer (40's-70's) Magid Keys (including HF and CW) Maia Prescott (Mailing List) Myers (including basic Moore, T (VHF) electronics and communications Paperman (Manuals, Service theory) Information, and Literature) Redding Standerfer Reeves Turner (including Kenwood and Salmon Ten-Tec) Stader APPLE MACINTOSH COMPUTER PACKET Braun Ackerman (including TCP/IP, Carlson (Macintosh Hamstacks) TAPR, Net-SIG, and Kantronics Ehrlich (FTP archive) D4-10 19.2kBaud Radio Modems) Stader (List of Macintosh Angus (TCP/IP, NOS, UUPC, Amateur Radio Software) Tnet, and SNEWS, SCO Xenix Van Peursem (Savant) TCP/IP and Sendmail, IP Coordinator for CA - LA BATTERIES County subnet) Battles (AX.25 and TCP/IP) Hammill (Sealed Lead-Acid) Bloom (IP Coordinator for Meyers Connecticut subnet) Stuart (including Ni-Cads) Braun (TCP/IP, Macintosh, IP Coordinator for WNY subnet) CALLSIGN DATA/NATIONAL TECHNICAL Cole (TCP/IP and NOS) INFORMATION SERVICE (NTIS) Dodell (IP Coordinator for Arizona subnet) Carruth Elmore (including TCP/IP) Lloyd (including QRZ! Ham-Radio Engehausen, et al (AA4RE Packet CD-ROM) BBS and Mailing List) Freeman, J (KAM, TCP/IP, NOS for CIVIL AIR PATROL (CAP) DOS and OS/2) Fyodorov (AX.25 and TCP/IP in Carlson Russia) Moore, J Graham, J (KAMterm) Graham, P (VHF) COLLEGE CLUBS Knapp, et al Meredith (AZ Packet Coordinator, Edwards PBBS Bulletin Forwarding Mailing Knapp, et al List, F6FBB Packet BBS Mailing Schallehn List) Schleck (et al, Mailing List) Nielsen (TAPR) Salyzyn (Canadian) COMMERCIAL EQUIPMENT Sargent Sayer (VHF) Dodell (Mailing List) Schallehn (Kantronics) Richards Stader (TCP/IP and Macintosh) Wier (ICOM Mailing List) Vail (TCP/IP, TAPR/9600, IP Coordinator for East/Central CW (MORSE CODE) Massachusetts subnet) Van Peursem (Savant and Bono (AutoCW) Macintosh) Elmore Fyodorov (including Cyrillic) MEDIA (PUBLICATION/WRITING/ Keys BROADCATING) Kulyov Rosenfeld Battles (QST) Salyzyn Bloom (QEX) Silva Coletti, et al (Newsline) Squicciarini Lau (QST/QEX) Stine Lloyd (QRZ! Ham Radio CDROM) Stockton Moore (Co-Host, Ham Radio and More) Tescher (Computer Programs) Zurn (including European PART-15 BROADCASTING abbreviations) Ornitz DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING (DSP) POWER SUPPLIES Bloom Edwards Myers Stuart EQUIPMENT TESTING/TROUBLESHOOTING PRODUCT INFO/FEEDBACK Billson Brewer (Tube Gear) Appell (Alinco and Yaesu) Freeman, J (PC ISA Bus) Freeman, M and Shirley (Advanced Hare (ARRL Laboratory Manager) Computer Controls - ACC) Myers Paperman (Manuals, Service Ornitz (Instrumentation) Information, and Literature) Paperman (Manuals, Service Wier (ICOM) Information, and Literature) Rymell (Electronics and Computer QRP (LOW POWER) Service Work) Salnick Billson Salyzyn Halbert (HF) Standerfer Harris Stockton Sargent (VHF) Taylor Stockton Tescher Turner (including Ten-Tec Witte (Instrumentation) Argonaut) Walker, et al (Mailing List) FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ's) Zurn Bloom (ARRL E-mail and Info Server) RADIO FREQUENCY INTERFERENCE (RFI) Bowen (Supplemental FTP Archives, Internet Callbook Server) Elmore Cheeseman (Australia) Graham, P (including PC's) Ehrlich (World-Wide Web) Hare (including Automotive and Hill (Antennas) Telephone) Holmstead (Satellites/Space) Myers Jahnke (VE Exams Scheduled) Stockton Salyzyn (Radio Amateurs on Usenet, Witte Moderator) Stader (Macintosh Amateur Radio RECIPROCAL LICENSING/FOREIGN OPERATION Software) Turvey (United Kingdom) Andrews (New Zealand) Woods (Mail Order Electronics) Flaherty (South Pacific) Yee (Online Repeater Directory) Fyodorov (Russia) Levine (Australia and Japan) HANDICAPPED OPERATING Salmon Salyzyn (Canada) Billson Stockton (UK) Doane Zurn (Italy and Germany) Knapp, et al REPEATERS HIGH FREQUENCY (HF)/ CONTESTING/DX Battles Chilton Battles De Armond Brubaker DePolo (VHF/UHF) Chilton Graham, P (including 1.2 Ghz) Elmore Keller (220 Mhz) Fyodorov Knapp, et al Hill (Mobile) Schallehn (VHF/UHF) Knapp, et al Witte Kulyov Nerenberg (DX Mailing List) SATELLITES Rosenfeld (including practical QSLing tips) Bass (including low-cost, QRP Salmon (including DXpeditions) Microsat stations) Salnick Feeney Silva Flaherty (including OSCAR) Squicciarini Williamson (InstantTrack, OrbitDRV, Tidd (DXCC Databases) AMSAT Services) Zurn SEMINARS/LECTURES HOMEBREWING/DO-IT-YOURSELF Humphries Billson (6809 uP) Redding Bloom (including DSP) Stuart (Batteries and Power Carruth (Digital Design, Supplies) Software) Chilton TANDY COLOR COMPUTER AND OS-9 De Armond DePolo (including VHF/UHF Billson design and construction) Edwards (including DSP) TELEVISION, FAST-SCAN (ATV) Fyodorov (including computers) Halbert (QRP) Chilton Harris Feeney Keys (Junk Box projects) Hammill Kohnen (Tubes) Kulyov TELEVISION, SLOW-SCAN (SSTV) Lau (Transverters, VHF/UHF, Filters, repeatable projects) Langner Myers (Transmission Lines, Analog and Digital Design) UNIX Moore, T (Junk Box projects) Rymell (Electronics and Computers, Angus (including SCO Xenix Low-Cost projects) TCP/IP and Sendmail) Salyzyn Carruth (System Administration) Sayer (Class-C Bipolar Amplifiers Cole (including Linux) and Phased-Lock-Loop Circuits) Ehrlich Silva (Analog, Digital, Tubes, Freeman, J Semiconductors, RF, Finding Moore, C (including X-Windows) Parts) Sayer (especially SunOS) Stine (Tube Amplifiers, Tescher Receivers, and Exciters) Van Peursem (HP-UX and System Stockton (including QRP) Administration) Stuart (Batteries and Power Supplies) VERY HIGH FREQUENCY (VHF)/ Taylor (Tubes and Amplifiers) ULTRA HIGH FREQUENCY (UHF) Tescher Battles IBM PERSONAL COMPUTER (PC) AND Carpenter (6 meters) CLONES DePolo (Weak Signal, Contesting, and Repeaters) Angus Flaherty (including Amplifiers and Bono (AutoExam, et al) Mailing List) Braun Graham, P (Commercial Rig Cole Conversions) Ehrlich Hammill (including ATV and DX) Freeman, J (including OS/2 and Humphries (2m FM) ISA bus) Jahnke (CW/SSB Contesting and Fyodorov Weak Signal) Keller Lau (CW/SSB to 222 Mhz) Tescher Moore, T Richards (Monitoring) INTERNET SERVICES Sargent (2 and 6 meter AM and Contesting) Ehrlich Silva Schleck Witte (including Portable and Mountaintopping) MAIL-SERVERS/ARCHIVES VOLUNTEER EXAMINER (VE) PROGRAM Bloom (ARRL Info Server) Bowen (* Billson Supplemental Archives) Carlson (W5YI) Deignan (Buckmaster CD-ROM) DePolo Ehrlich (Boston ARC FTP archive Jahnke (ARRL VEC Manager) and WWW Page) Kohnen (W5YI) Harding (Ham Server) Maia (W5YI VEC) Nielsen (TAPR) Reeves Shirley (ACC Equipment) Salmon (Sunnyvale) Sternitzke (W5YI Asst. VEC) -- 73, Paul W. Schleck, KD3FU (personal mail) (Elmers List administrivia) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 Aug 1994 17:08:43 GMT From:!agate!!!!!zrz.TU-Berlin.DE!! Subject: HF BBS Software Recommendations? To: Does anyone have a recommendation a BBS I can run on HF (non-ham)? I'm going to try to set up a couple of HF rigs with PK-232's on each end. I'd like to use PACTOR as the mode and allow the remote station to log-in and upload ASCII (and maybe binary) files. Any "quick" suggestions would be appreciated. Please reply by any of the following: Here. 703-670-0575 (eves) 703-756-1971 (days) Thanks, Kevin kj4qf ------------------------------ Date: 2 Aug 94 14:04:20 GMT From: Subject: Internet Resources for Hams (spanish) To: I made this list for a radio club metting. Its a recopilation of information from diffrent lists and translated to spanish. I think even non spanish speakera can get some information from it. I know this list it still is far from perfection. If you have any additions, comments, suggestions or corrections please contact me directly: 73 de XE1KK ----------------------------------------------------------------------- RECURSOS EN INTERNET PARA RADIOAFICIONADOS D.R. (C) 1994 Ramon Santoyo V., XE1KK A.P. 19-564, 03901 Mexico, D.F. MEXICO Ultima actualizacion: 25/Jul/94 Este documento puede ser copiado por cualquier forma o medio siempre que se mantenga inalterado y que no se utilice para fines de lucro. Tus comentarios, sugerencias, adiciones, correcciones y preguntas son bienvenidas, enviame un correo electronico a: La ultima actualizacion de este documento esta simepre disponible en el FTP anonimo en el subdirectorio \pub\xe1kk y bajo el nombre INET4HAM.TXT, en mi BBS telefonico TeleLink (528-4293, 24 Hs., 14.4 kbps, 8N1) y via packet en XE1KK-4 PBBS 145.010 MHz Mexico, D.F. Todos los acentos fueron omitidos para facilitar su envio electronico. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nombre: AMSAT Servicios: Listas de correo y reenvio de correo. Listas: Servicio de noticias de AMSAT Boletin electronico de AMSAT Elementos keplerianos Informacion de NASA SAREX: Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment Correo a: Titulo: cualquiera Texto: Pide informacion de sus servicios. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nombre: ARRL Servicios: Servidor de informacion automatico y asistencia tecnica. Una vez teniendo la lista de los documentos disponibles se piden por correo electronivo. Es un excelente servicio. Correo a: Titulo: request Texto: help index send USERS.TXT quit ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nombre: KA6ETB Servicios: Servidor de informacion automatico: infinidad de articulos informacion tecnica, etc. Correo a: Titulo: cualquiera Texto: help ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nombre: Packet BBS (AMPRnet and others) Servicios: Uno o mas del los siguientes servicios: acceso a la red de packet, gateways a VHF y UHF, cuarto de conferencias, BBS, informacion y archivos. Telnet a: : K9IU * : WB9UUS : VE3RPI : RA3APW en Moscow : XE1IX en Guadalajara, Mexico. : Goddard Space Flight Center BBS (NASA) Login: Tu indicativo Password: amateur Nota: Al entrar al BBS hay que enviarle un correo al operador del sistema con tu nombre, direccion, indicativo, etc. asi como el password que deseas usar. Asi podras tener acceso total. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nombre: Callbook W y VE Servicios: Direcciones de todas las estaciones de EUA y Canada. Telnet: 2000 : : Login: hamradio 2000 : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nombre: Contest Reflector Servicios: Lista de correos sobre concursos de radio. Correo a: Titulo: cualquiera Texto: subscribe tu_nombre ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nombre: CT Software Users Reflector Servicios: Lista de correos para usuarios del programa CT de K1EA. Correo a: Titulo: cualquiera Texto: subscribe tu_nombre ct-user ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nombre: DX Cluster Servicios: Enlace al packet cluster de W5/F6CNB. Correo a: Titulo: cualquiera Texto: Tu nombre, direccion, indicativo, etc., asi como el password que deseas usar. El te indica a donde hacer Telnet. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nombre: DX Reflector Servicios: Lista de correos sobre DX y temas afines. Correo a: Titulo: cualquiera Texto: subscribe ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nombre: FCC Servicios: Daily Digest, noticias, asnuncios y discursos de la Federal Communication Comission. FTP: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nombre: Geografic Server Servicios: Inforamacion de ciudades, paises, regiones, incluye datos como longitud, latitud y altitud. Telnet: 3000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nombre: Gopher Servicios: Gophers que incluyen temas de radioaficionados. Telnet: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nombre: HamNet Servicios: Foro de radioaficionados de Compuserve (hay que ser usuario de Compuserve para poder accesarlo, simembargo se incluyen las direcciones de las personas que representan a algunas companias y dan soporte tecnico). Telnet a: or host: compuserve Correo a: : Luck Hurder KY1T (ARRL) : Don Stoner W6TNS (NARA) : Richard Stuart WF7A (AEA) : Gary KF7XV (ICOM) : Jeff WA4EGT/6 (InterFlex) : Stan AA5XO (MFJ) : Gregg N6ZSW (Alinco) : Steve Whitefield (Drake) 76576, : Norm W2JUP (PacComm) : Jim Van Peursem (Savant) : Rick KD2XB (Quantum) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nombre: Listas de correo sobre radioaficionados Servicios: Listas de correo Correo a: Titulo: cualquiera Texto: subscribe nombre_de_la_lista Lists: ham-ant : antenas ham-bsd : BSD y radioaficion ham-digital : Packet, RTTY, Pactor, ASCII, etc. ham-equip : Nuevos equipos en el mercado ham-homebrew : Equipos hechos en casa ham-policy : Normatividad de la FCC ham-radio : Radio en general ham-space : Satelites, SAREX, etc. info-hams : Un poco de todo... bueno! nos-hacks : KA9Q "NOS" y radioaficion packet-radio : Packet tcp-digest : Resumen de "tcp-group" tcp-group : TCP/IP y radio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nombre: NASA Headline News Servicios: Reporte diario de actividades de la NASA Finger: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nombre: Servidores "FTP anonymous" Servicios: Miles de archivos y programas sobre radio para que los puedas bajar (traer) a tu computadora. FTP a: Direccion Subdirectorio(s) a buscar /hamradio /pub/ham /pub/dx /ham-radio /hamradio /packet /pub/ham-radio /hamster/ham /hamster/tcpip /hamster/mods /hamster/view /pub/arrl8 /pub/ka9q /pub/ncpa /pub/tnc2 /pub/ka9q /public /pub /mirrors/msdos/hamradio /mirrors/msdos/packet /mirrors/msdos/ka9q-tcpip /mirrors/cpm/hamradio /mirrors/cpm/packet /mirrors/misc/hamradio /mirrors/misc/packet /mirrors/misc/ka9q-tcpip /pub/net/ka9q /pub/ka9q /archive/packet /pub/packet-incoming /pub/hamradio uhunix2.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu /incoming/ham-radio /pub/ham-radio /pub/toumon/ham-radio /pub/hamradio /pub/hamradio /pub/radio /pub/ham-radio /pub/ham-radio /pub/ham-radio /software/hamradio /software/mac/ham-radio /ham-radio /aw0g (softkiss-mac) /pub/ham-radio # ls -l NO !) /pub/usenet/news.answers/radio /pc-sig /pub/hamradio /ham-radio /pub/hamradio /pub/fidonet/ham /pub/fidonet/ham /pub /pub/ham ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nombre: Proveedores de equipo de radio Servicios: Informacion y/o ventas (ver "Ham Net") Correo a: : Maldol antennas ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nombre: QSL managers Servicios: Informacion QSL de estaciones DX Correo a: Texto: Lista las estaciones de las cuales quieres informacion. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nombre: Revistas de radio Servicios: Direcciones electronicas de algunas revistas de radio. Correo a: : 73 Amateur Radio Today : QEX Magazine : QST ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nombre: SpaceNews Servicios: Informacion sobre satelites de radioaficionado y SAREX. Finger: : para obtener el ultimo numero FTP: : numeros anteriores /pub/spacenews ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nombre: SWL Servicios: Direcciones electronicas de estaciones de onda corta. Informacion sobre sus frecuencias y horarios (gopher). Correo a: : Radio Habana Cuba "DXers Unlimited" : Voice of America : VOA De fuera de E.U.A, : VOA De los E.U.A.. : VOA reportes QSL de fuera EUA : VOA reportes QSL de EUA : VOA Agriculture Today : VOA-Europe (Ingles) : VOA-Morning Program Gopher: : Radio Japan \information\radio... : Voice of America ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nombre: Varios Servicios: Informacion de ultimo minuto sobre... Finger: forecast@ : Tormentas tropicales : Terremotos solar@ : Flujo solar (propagacion) daily@ : Flujo solar (propagacion) aurora@ : Auroras boreales (DX VHF) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nombre: VHF Reflector Servicios: Lista de correos sobre VHF y mas (50 MHz a gigahertz) Correo a: Titulo: cualquiera Texto: subscribe ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nombre: Yaesu FT-900 y FT-1000 Reflector Servicios: Lista de correos sobre los citados modelos de radios Yaesu. Correo a: Titulo: cualquiera Texto: subscribe ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: 2 Aug 94 13:44:12 GMT From: Subject: Mexico's Annual Ham Convention To: //////////////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ The mexican federation of Ham Radio Experimenters (FEDERACION MEXICANA DE RADIOEXPERIMENTADORES) IARU Member, invites all amateur Radio Operators to our 53rd Annual Convention, which will be held in the beautifull paradise of Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico, from October 6th thru 9th. The Vallarta Fiesta Americana will host this event in its main convention center and exhibit room. Your purchase includes 3 nights and 4 days, free beverages during the lunch and during dinner, as well as daily buffette breakfast and buffette lunch troughout the duration of the convention. To top it off, on the second evening you will enjoy a Mexican Night with folk ballet, mariachi and more features; on the closing evening, dine and dance at the Gala Dinner. Early reservations will give you a prefered rate as indicated. If you plan to attend with your family, great! Two children can stay for free in each room and children's program are offered. There will also be special entertainment program available for spouses (non ham activities), so everyone can have fun! Guided tours of Vallarta are available for anyone who is interested in purchasing Mexican arts, crafts, and souvenirs. During this celebration, the "HAM OF THE YEAR", as well as the "AZTECA" and "AZTECA DE ORO" awards will be presented. Don't miss the opportunity to enjoy Mexico's most beautifull vacation resort, Puerto Vallarta, and have fun joining our Ham Group from all over the nation. For further information, please write, fax or email to: FEDERACION MEXICANA DE RADIOEXPERIMENTADORES, A.C. Molinos 51, Desp. 307 y 308 Col. Mixcoac, Mexico C.P. 03910 Fax: 273-1019 BBS XE1LM Internet addres: If you want to get it... right away! Convention Pass Includes: Admission to fleamarket, showroom and conferences Hospitality with all lodgin Welcome cocktail Three buffette breakfast Two buffette lunch Mexican Night dinner Gala Dinner For reservations send your certified check or money order in us currency to address of the FMRE. Cost are: BEFORE 8/20/94 395.00 FROM 8/21/94 TO 9/20/94 445.00 AT DOOR (if available) 495.00 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// P U R C H A S E O R D E R PAYMENT : ENCLOSED _______ CHARGE TO MY _____ VISA _____ MC _____ AMEX CARD NUMBER: ____________________________________________ NAME ON THE CARD ________________________________________ EXPIRATION DATE _________________________________________ AMOUNT IN USD ___________________________________________ SIGNATURE (Only if credit card) _______________________________________ NAME (if different) _____________________________________ DAYTIME PHONE No. _______________________________________ CALL SIGN _______________________________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ramon Santoyo V. | Internet de Mexico, S.A. de C.V. | (525) 505-1025 | (525) 344-0492 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 01 Aug 94 23:53:36 EDT From:!agate!!!opusc!UNIVSCVM.CSD.SCAROLINA.EDU! Subject: Thanks Guys!!! To: Many thanks to all who replied to my request for the "Radiotron Designer's Handbook". Special thanks go to Mike Czuhajewski (whose name I can spell without looking now ) for sending me copies of th e relevant pages, and to William Marchant for sending me the whole book at his cost+postage. (in a practically waterproof package no less...) And to people that e-mailed me, and then never answered my responses: One HUGELY giant raspberry! {;^) C Y'ALL! (What can I say? I'm Southern!) Dan Kline P.S. Anyone seen Terman's "Radio Engineering"? ------------------------------ End of Info-Hams Digest V94 #867 ******************************